



"Posing as a sodomite";
Getting his quotations right
Out of Google; attending
Many long meetings; friending

Every useful person there;
Serving as committee chair,
"Well really just a task force",
(In my father's house, of course,


Are many conference rooms);


Ing the healthiest food--chickens raised with their beaks still intact, each dancing merrily in its spacious two square feet
Of concrete barnyard; grass-fed, hormone-free, antibiotic-free cows also raised humanely and slaughtered humane-
Ly (cows who see the way in which they are about to die--captive-bolt gunshot to the head--tending to go insane,

Erhouse insanity leaves a dreadful taste so pungent, that no method of cooking ever seems to get it out");
And milk that's only seventy-six percent more expensive than the factory farm swill rednecks buy at Walmart--
Money can buy; despising the hand that feeds him; regretting November's elections, "Voters just aren't that smart";


He encounters a student:


"I'm just out of time today;
Make an appointment, okay?"
Student replies, "But I need--?"
"Here is a guide you can read."

He retreats to his meeting,
While smiling and Tweeting,
"#IFLA next week in #Stuttgart,
Then meeting some friends in #Chartres."